Author Topic: Another project - OneAC Power Conditioner  (Read 2212 times)

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Offline xrunnerTopic starter

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Another project - OneAC Power Conditioner
« on: May 23, 2016, 11:18:47 am »
My neighbor had to go to assisted living, and his daughters were cleaning up the house. He had told them to give this thing to me, so one brought it over last night. Well, her husband was carrying it because it weighs a TON. They thought it was a battery backup, but it's really a OneAC power conditioner.

I checked it out and it works, but it's pretty dusty and dirty. It has a honkin' massive transformer, two, what I would call run caps (5 uF ea.), and some sort of OneAC device inside (lower left in pic). From what I understand it removes power spikes and can smooth out millisecond gaps in power, couldn't find a lot on it. Apparently it's a big 60 Hz tank circuit?

I'm going to clean it up, replace the caps, and replace the outlets on the rear - things got a little rusty and crusty over the years.
I told my friends I could teach them to be funny, but they all just laughed at me.

Offline bktemp

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Re: Another project - OneAC Power Conditioner
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2016, 11:37:31 am »
I've bought a Oneac power conditioner some years ago, because I thought it would be a ferroresonant transformer/regulator. But it is only a simply isolation transformer with some caps attached to the output.
The leakage inductance of the transformer and the capactitor at the output form a low pass filter, removing short spikes. But compared to a true power conditioner/regulator it does not work very well in cleaning up the waveform.
Your unit also looks like a isolation transformer with some caps attached to the output.
The additional device is probably a resetable fuse (it should have a pushbutton).

Offline xrunnerTopic starter

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Re: Another project - OneAC Power Conditioner
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2016, 11:24:14 am »
I've been cleaning the thing up. I also bought two new capacitors and three new outlets.
I told my friends I could teach them to be funny, but they all just laughed at me.

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