Hi, everyone.
I've also tryed to made simple and cheap solution for FMD MCU programming.
Instead of copying their hardware programmer, I just take its firmware, reverse it, and ported functions to CH341 hardware.
There is much differences for two big group of MCUs - Standart and Enhanced (termins from FMDIDE).
Both protocols tested: FT61F133A for Standart F-Series, and FT64F0A3 for Enhanced F-Series.
Not say that was easy, and want to thanks to this topic: to TS
socram for great start information, to
gashtaan for helpful posts, and to
kkstun for his specific solution.
As addition hardware, I use handmade PIC-adapter (two pair of npn+pnp trasistors for VPP and VDD control, TxD and RxD pins respectively).
Of course, for FMD we need only VDD part (RxD high = VDD On).
Or, even VDD of MCU can be directly feed from RxD pin, if CH341 fed from 5V. It is not recommended, and can only feed single MCU (without board), but that was tested too.
Software not yet ready for public, but if someone has different MCUs and want to make some tests - write PM.