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Arduino function gen

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I am working on a arduino function gen and I am hitting a wall. The ardduino isn't fast enough to generate the desired hrz is anyone aware of a frequency multiplier.

An Arduino by itself wont be able to do it, however you can use an Arduino to control a Waveform Generator IC such as a MAX038 or a ICL8038.


You could add a DDS module like http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AD9850-DDS-signal-generator-module-circuit-diagram-/170572409806?pt=BI_Signal_Sources&hash=item27b6e86bce

It depends on the frequency range you need and the waveform (square, sine, ...).
In the case you need an accurate frequency into a limited and enough high range, you can use a PLL (e.g. 74HCT4096 / 9046) together with the PWM peripheral of the Arduino and a divider, in order to "multiply" the output frequency.


--- Quote from: House91320 on April 04, 2011, 04:50:11 am ---I am working on a arduino function gen and I am hitting a wall. The ardduino isn't fast enough to generate the desired hrz is anyone aware of a frequency multiplier.

--- End quote ---

You should mention that you are using a digital Pot to do it.


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