Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

big diode blow out

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At the moment I am repairing an old mobility scooter for my nan as a gift, I opened the charger to day just for a look inside and noticed that a component marked ZD2 had blown spectacularly(photo attached). I know it is probably some kind of zener diode. The half case I found for it inside the unit is marked C50 and 5C4, does any one have any clue as to what I should replace this with  :-//.

Other than this the charger seems intact and clean, other than the bad construction, well cheep construction methods used like directly soldering on mains cables to the bored.

Thanks for your help, ill be happy to provide more info if it is needed. 

If you can't find what a C50 is, then you'll probably just have to work out what the zener voltage is from the components around it, have fun  :-+

There's a ZD3 next to it, wouldn't it give you some clue?

something to do with the voltage regulator that's near it to?  :-\

This the same photo just not zoomed in on zd2. It is on the output side.

My first thought is that that is part of a snubber circuit. These circuits are used in topologies to control the peak voltage on the switching FET. If this is what the device is used for, then the FET might have been damaged. A failure like that means there could be damage to the rest of the circuit. If I am correct you will find it connects to a capacitor and resistor and will be in parallel with the primary winding of main transformer. Can you tell if this is the case?


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