Author Topic: BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer  (Read 3259 times)

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Offline vitormhenriqueTopic starter

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BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer
« on: March 01, 2016, 04:06:14 pm »
Hello Guys,
I've been working on a [micro] computer based on teensy and bitlash interpreter, if you don't know what bitlash is check it out, it is awesome (, the idea was to help me when i just want to test something but don't want to program a microcontroller.

I finally got into a stage that my project is sharable.

I made a custom PCB with teensy, a 74LVC245 level shifter and a ws2812B led.
I can control level shifter direction through bitlash, making possible to output 5V. I also broke out all pins to the lateral of the computer, few pins dedicated to servo can be powered by the internal battery or an external power supply (barrel jack on the right side of the computer).

The internal battery can be charged through a micro usb and teensy code can be update through a mini usb.

I'm quite satisfied with the results so far, despite I still have much to work on the software side. The case is 3d printed and I'll release all files as soon as I do a little bit more work on it.

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Re: BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 07:08:01 pm »
Nice! Where did you get the keyboard?

Offline vitormhenriqueTopic starter

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Re: BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2016, 07:29:52 pm »
the keyboard is a Xbox 360 chatpad, it connects using i2c to the microcontroller, I used cliffle reverse enginnering work ( and updated the library to include more functionalities

Offline PointyOintment

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Re: BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2016, 07:46:02 pm »
I have a project that I haven't worked on for a year or so, for a future version of which I wanted to port Bitlash to Teensy 3 and modify it to be able to run programs from external flash memory. I didn't get around to doing it, but would still like to at some point. I will be following this thread interestedly.
I refuse to use AD's LTspice or any other "free" software whose license agreement prohibits benchmarking it (which implies it's really bad) or publicly disclosing the existence of the agreement. Fortunately, I haven't agreed to that one, and those terms are public already.

Offline zapta

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Re: BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2016, 08:36:03 pm »
Since you plan to open your design, why did you go with teensy which is not open source?

Offline vitormhenriqueTopic starter

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Re: BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2016, 08:55:34 pm »
Since you plan to open your design, why did you go with teensy which is not open source?

zapta, few reasons....   I wanted a more powerful microcontroller than an arduino and I'm no expert in electronics...  most arduino compatible hardware only go till 48mhz... I'm running teensy overclocked to 160mhz and the lcd refresh rate is still not what i wanted...

Above all, I understand Paul idea of not opensoursing the bootloader of teensy... still he makes a huge effort for the "arduino" community with libraries and improvements...  also keep in mind that this is not supposed to be a product, it s project that I made for fun, and sharing the code / designs it is only intended if people want to reproduce the project.

Another point is that, if you want to reproduce, but don't want the buy a teensy, you can always get the compiled code (hex file) from the teensyduino and buid yourself a MK20DX256 based board and use the same code, the only difference is that your board would not have the bootloader, that is not necessary to run the code.

I see a lot of people criticizing Paul for his decision of not open sourcing the bootloader but I see very few people trying to create a bootloader for those chips from scratch.

If you have another option of development board, that a hobbyist could get his hands on, that matches my requirements (at least 120MHZ, arduino compatible) and 100% open source i would love to try.

Offline zapta

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Re: BitlashTeensy [Micro]Computer
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2016, 04:13:55 pm »
I see a lot of people criticizing Paul for his decision of not open sourcing the bootloader but I see very few people trying to create a bootloader for those chips from scratch.

Paul is running a business and has the right to use any legal business model he wants.

I am using ARM processors but they come builtins with bootloader from the manufacturer. My understanding is that this is common practice now.

I'm running teensy overclocked to 160mhz and the lcd refresh rate is still not what i wanted...

How does this work? Do you run outside the spec of the MCU?  What is the official max speed of the MCU you use?

If you have another option of development board, that a hobbyist could get his hands on, that matches my requirements (at least 120MHZ, arduino compatible) and 100% open source i would love to try.

What kind of capabilities do you get with Teensy + Arduino IDE?  Code completion?  Hardware debugging, breakpoints and single step?

(I used the Arduino IDE only with AVR, for ARM I am using Eclipse).

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