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Bluetooth Devices


I am working on a audio project and could use some input:

I am using two LM3915 for a VU Meter setup, I am adding a Arduino + SPI FM tuner from sparkfun, I am thinking of adding Bluetooth to the design or wireless 802.11g to stream the audio from my PDA to the device itself.

I am also integrating this into headphones; and KOSS might pick this design up in there high end headphones supply chain.

What speed do I need to match? as in if Audio is 15KHz using a 430MHz transmitter and receiver would that work fine?

Also is there a Bluetooth device that can connect as a Audio Out and have FM already built in?

isnt the bluetooth work at 2.4GHz range? i'm not entirely sure what you want to design. i like picture, maybe a sketch of schematic in picture could explain it better.

Yeah, a block diagram would come in handy.

Bluetooth works on the 2.4GHz range at 1Mbps if there are no other bluetooth devices using this band (or other 2.4GHz devices).

If you just want to transmit audio wirelessly, Bluetooth is good. Fortunately, this has already been done!

A receiver: http://www.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=508754

A transmitter/receiver pair, though I can't tell if it's still available: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hama-Bluetooth-Audio-Rxtx-Black/dp/B000JFX01M

Headphones that have a built-in Bluetooth receiver: http://www.motorola.com/Consumers/US-EN/Consumer-Product-and-Services/Mobile+Phone+Accessories/Headsets/Bluetooth-Stereo-Music-Headphones/MOTOROKR-S305-Wireless-Stereo-Headphones-US-EN

If your PDA has Bluetooth, it might support the A2DP profile natively so you'd only need the receiver.

If you were to do it from scratch, your specifications are a bit unclear - do you want to stream audio data (eg MP3 or PCM) or just the audio? The former may be up to 256 Kbps. If you just want to transmit the audio, an FM transmitter would be the way to go. Fortunately, you can already pick up headphones that have built-in FM radios!


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