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Bulb socket type


Which socket type is used for bulb at http://cgi.ebay.com/18V-BULBS-MAKITA-BOSCH-HITACHI-DEWALT-FLASHLIGHT-/160502879194?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255eb793da#ht_1964wt_1135?

I have few of bulbs but I cannot figure which socket to search for. My local supplier hasn't got anything similar to this.
Is there any official naming for it so I can buy it online or is it proprietary to DeWALT?

It looks like a standard torch bulb so your best bet might be to salvage a socket from a torch.

Do you have to use that particular bulb? Choosing a different bulb may give you more socket options.


--- Quote from: GeoffS on December 24, 2010, 08:51:58 am ---Do you have to use that particular bulb? Choosing a different bulb may give you more socket options.
--- End quote ---
I have quite a few of them alongside 18V power supply. It would be shame to waste it.

Looks to me like a P13,5S socket. To be sure, ask the suplier.


--- Quote from: XynxNet on December 24, 2010, 01:59:53 pm ---Looks to me like a P13,5S socket.
--- End quote ---
It is. I checked dimensions and it fits :)
Now only task is to find some socket for it...


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