I am guessing that cj's and PA0PBZ's entrys are variant of the Armstrong/Meissner oscillators running purely on parasitics.
For educational purposes, heres one i made. It runs at a measly 2,6MHz - DC really - but here you can see the magnetic coupling of the inductors. It's two coils wound on a small ferite toroid.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armstrong_oscillatorThe capacitor is omitted in my board, the breadboard measures at 1.5pF between rows.
The real laugh here is that it runs on a voltage as low as 0,765 Volts, and yet outputs nearly 4,6V peak to peak. Black magic! It's really stable as well, hardly any jitter.
Looking at the board, one cannot help to think how the f**k this even oscillates
Tranny is a BF256B FET.