Hi Joseph.
This is going to sound like a put-down, but seriously it's not meant to. It's meant to save your life.
I'm afraid your circuit and comments reveal your understanding of Triacs isn't yet adequate. It's *so* bad, that I think your general knowledge of electronics is also likely quite limited - yet here you are proposing to experiment with circuits directly connected to the mains. This is *very* dangerous for you.
There are so many things wrong with your drawing and idea, that my best advice, seriously, is that you should experiment with low voltage circuits only. For a while yet, anyway. Please, get yourself a bench power supply, with outputs of (say) zero to 25V, and use that.
If you *must* try using TRIACs, get an isolation step down transformer, with at most 50 VAC output, and use that output for driving the Triacs.
Start with just one Triac, a simple resistive load, and a means for triggering the Triac.
Do you have a scope?