I hope the OP of this post still is active on this forum and see my reply on his project

I know it's an older post, but I recently got the interest of building a constant current load for a project which I'm currently working on.
(The project includes a 4-output 'switch' controlled by a PIC 16F1789 microcontroller. Each output can / may deliver a current up to 10A. I now use a couple of big and expensive 100W resistors but since the device is for both 12V AND 24V use, see my problem with the fixed values of the resistor???)
So this design drew my attention!
It's very detailed and I hope I find the time to build one of my own.
I do however need to find a 10A meter to use with it.
Other than that, I also might want to customize the drawing to use with a microcontroller.
With the right firmware, I would like to switch between
1) Constant power
2) Constant current
3) constant resistance (option)
I think these two first would be the most important ones!
One question about the schematics though...
Since I'm still learning each day, what does the en/dis switch enable or disable?
Is it just the warning LED or does is en/disable the complete limiting circuit?
I don't know how much interest is there still in this project?
Because If I would design a PCB circuit of it, I would greatfully share it with others here!
Hope to see a reply on this one soon