Dear mobbarley:
--While I do not feel competent to comment on all of the electronic issues presented in this thread, I do know something about designing custom devices. I also know something about sticking to your guns as long a possible. No doubt if you were designing a door bell, some contrarian would surface, saying "Why don't you just get a door knocker" A person likes to get advice on how to do it, advice on how not to do it, no so much.
--With regard to the comments made by Boreatwork:
1) He stated:
"You start from the wrong design principle"
--Horse feathers! A man once asked for directions from a down easter Yankee. The Yankee told him "If I was agoin' theyah I wouldn't staht from heah" Same sort of helpful advice, yes?
2) He stated:
"The right principle would be to turn off the LED when the fuse fails. "
--"When he says "The right principle" I think he just means "easier and simpler", "right principle" indeed, Good Lord. Notice he restates the problem so that now we are only dealing with 1 led and not 10. If you have 10 lights lit up an one goes out you might not notice. But if you have no lights lit, and one lights up, you are more likely to notice. Admittedly his idea is simpler, and is a good fall back position if nothing else will work, but I do not think simplicity is the only goal here. Too bad those car fuse guys started from the wrong design principle, no?
3) He stated:
"The later [sic] also covers the case when not the fuse but the LED fails."
--Clumsy syntax. I think he meant to say "latter" which rhymes with ratter, rather that "later" which rhymes with "baiter" With an average lifetime of 20 to 50 thousand hours, I do not think LED failure is a significant worry here, but just for the sake of argument, let us pretend that is is. An LED is bloody well less likely to fail if it is not on all the bloody time.
4) He stated:
"The circuit also become almost trivia [sic] when you use "LED off" to indicates [sic] failure. Perhaps he started from the wrong grammar and spelling principle. One assumes he meant to say "trivial" instead of "trivia", but it is by no means clear.
5)He states:
"I love the sound of a [sic] "you are not helpful" whining in the morning"
--Again with the peculiar grammar. Let us not be unkind, perhaps English is not his first language. In this statement there may be a key to his personality, more's the pity.
6) In his second post he states:
"So once again I wasted my time with people who don't want to know how it is done."
--Where he says "people" I think he meant to say "a person". Too bad those car fuse guys "don't want to know how it is done." They could have had all of the fuses lit up all the time. Kind of like leaving all the lights in your house on so you will know if one burns out.
7) He states in his third post:
"Thanks for confirming that you only came here to waste our time and that you are incapable of learning."
--An entire sentence with no grammar or spelling errors, it a new record. This remark seems to be of a personal nature, and betrays some animus on the part of the speaker. Now you are wasting "our" time, but I do not recall anyone else accusing you of wasting our time. Surly among Gentlemen (and Ladies) advice is freely given and may be freely declined. No need to "tear a passion to tatters, to very rags" as the Bard of Avon said.
--And so Brother mobbarley, I hope you can see by the posting that I agree with almost all of the comments, made by almost everyone in this thread.
--I do have one small design idea for you to consider. You could use some of those peeping annunciators instead of LEDs, for an aural rather than a visual indication. You would have them all peeping away constantly, then when a fuse blows, you would know because one of them would stop peeping. I hope I am using the right design principle here and making the circuit almost trivia.
Best Regards
Clear Ether