Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff
Dallas DS1820 temperature sensors
Hi guys and gals - long time YT subscriber of Dave, first time posting to this forum as I need some technical help. Ill try keep this simple and the obligatory apologies if this has been raised before.
1) I have searched the board for advise on this device DS1820 and I can see many mention it, however none seem to cover my specific question.
2) I'm a real noob when it comes to electronics, this is my hobby.
Looking to use this device over 1-wire using parasite power, to start with ill just give it its own power supply to avoid any "traps for young players".
Ill be using an Ardunio to collect the data from the device.
To communicate with this device the bus master (Arduino?) must start the process by initiating the reset pulse.
My question:
How does one *time* the reset pulse so that it will fall within the 480 to 960 microsec time frame? This is required each time you want to communicate with the device, and timing becomes even more important (with other operations) when using parasite power to fill the internal cap.
Intended use:
Simply experiment with logging the temp in the office environment over time.
Dan, there is already a proven library for 1-Wire devices:
From there you can dig through and examine how it works if you wish. Otherwise that will get you going in about 5 minutes time.
Thanks dr.diesel for the quick reply it's exactly what I need to get it working.
Not a problem, and welcome to the forum! Lots of good stuff and people here, don't hesitate to ask.
Here is a working example using the DS18S20 and DS18B20.
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