I have got small project , I need to mode 100 electric bikes with winkers and proper reliability , so I am going to add on to the biggy battery ,
specs :
on mode : up to ~0.7A
winker mode : ~0.5A
input voltage:~36V ( up to 42V sometimes when charged )
circuit demands : 12V
so I thought to use one of the chickpeas cards on ebay . but their input ratings sucks , so I thought to add LM317 to the circuit and "regulate" 30V out , then those small cards should live fine ,
so the next question is reliability of the system , sine those small cards are not High quality , I am doubted them ,
so please , some one can tell me where is A good place high quality Buck converters ? , preferably 70V input ratings or so , I know budget and country are not mentioned , so here they are :
country : Israel
budget . I should be told this evening , but for now . lets say 10~20$ per card just for good results
preferably 5$ on 100 of quantity
Update : Digikey didn't gave me sane result - so unless I missed it nor don't know how to fiend those small golden products hidden in the parametric search , I'd love one to correct me here
if I may , Aldo some good DPDT toggle quality switch won't hurt
specs :
1A or so
brake before make
Budget: 1~5$ ( depends ) - 100 of quantity