It is fairly common for the bandwidth figures of scopes to not apply to the lowest few ranges as you have found. They will often have different bandwidth (and noise) figures for these lower ranges.
Presumably because those ranges are amplified instead of simply attenuated down to a base level range.
It was mainly the frequency response of 10mV/div and up I was interested in, the 20MHz limit for the lowest ranges is well documented, and the scope also displays the BW limit icon. (Almost) all of the scopes do something similar, indeed because there is usually an extra amplification stage involved. It may also help with the amount of displayed noise (not sure if the BW limit is before or after the CCD), since the TDS-200 is known for high levels of noise (which is why I used averaging).
Its coincidental it reflects a distribution of frequency vs gain similar to the different experiences I've had with the Rigol 1052E [assuming Rigol follows Agilent'd requirements in design, having once been a source for Agilent's low end scopes] and alm's experience with his Tek scope, brought up in another thread.
I would be very careful with extrapolating from philosophies for 20GHz scopes to 100MHz scopes, the issues and difficulties are very different. The rebadged Rigol scopes were fully designed by Rigol, as far as I know, Agilent only requested some firmware modifications, so I wouldn't count on them being designed with the Agilent philosophy. I would also be careful with using marketing material as facts, since it's likely that this test was set up to make Agilent look as good as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if Tek had similar data showing the opposite (perhaps not publicly). But I appreciate your efforts to find any data at all on this topic, Bode plots are not usually make public.
Looking at the 0.5dB variation is ~ +/- 6% of reading on the scope divisions, that variation is close to the posted 1052E spec of 4% + other corrections for range, see Photo #3.
I don't see the relevance of this, what does this have to do with DC gain? I didn't test at DC, I started at 50kHz, and normalized everything relative to this level. Scope vendors don't usually specify gain flatness within the pass band, as far as I know.
In a different manual, I found that they derate the bandwidth with 1%/degC above 30 degC, so with an operational range of up to 50 degC, this might mean that the BW is down 20%. No such note in the TDS-220 manual, so I'm not sure how common this is.
nice. what about rigol 1052e hacked to 1102e?
Send me one and I'll find out

. This is the closest I have, similar bandwidth and market segment, but somewhat older.
What is the labeled frequency response of the scope? If you had too, a manufacturer would unlikely base it rating on the 2V/div blue line, the best response of 158 MHz, but of 120 MHz green line, since the worst case frequency response would form the minimum of all the scope's gain vs frequency performance. The scope could do far better than that on various gain settings, once the manufacturer made explicit exception of the 2mV and 5mV faster rolloff.
Labeled bandwidth is 100 MHz. The bandwidth is specified as >= 100 MHz, so 158 MHz is perfectly within specs. These measurements were at 20 degC or so, so at the max 50 degC, the 200mV/div line might be close to 100MHz.
Your lines B and C should be horizontal, IMO, but I assume your numbers are correct and just quickly drew it in something like Paint. If you want raw data or different graphs, I can post that, too.
Remember that the resolution is 8-bits at best (without any noise or instability), and even less at 1V/div and up, because I was unable to generate >5.5V signals, and didn't have an amplifier that I trusted to be flat within 3% or so from 50kHz to 250MHz. I also can't prove that the SG-503 still meets its factory specs, although I don't have any indication that it doesn't.
This test is probably hard to do without leveled signal source, you would have to calibrate either your generator's amplitude over time with a spectrum analyzer / scope with a much larger bandwidth, or calibrate generator amplitude linearity at high frequencies. The best you could do is set the generator to a constant frequency and amplitude, terminate at scope end, and vary the scope's vertical setting, like what I mentioned about the 270MHz performance. Because of the constant amplitude, you would only be able to test a few vertical ranges at the same time, and it would only tell you about relative spread, not roll-off.