EEVblog Electronics Community Forum

Electronics => Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff => Topic started by: manicdoc on February 21, 2024, 07:11:11 am

Title: dim bulb tester
Post by: manicdoc on February 21, 2024, 07:11:11 am
Just a dim bulb tester I put together, there was an earlier version but the bulbs were on top, so it wasn't stackable, plus I couldn't see what the power draw was easily and if it was stable/as expected.


The meter is a unit I got off aliexpress, measures voltage, current, power factor, frequency, power, etc - plus sums over time. The two small switches cut in the bulbs, so I have a choice of 40w,100w or 140w before it cuts in and saves the DUT.  The banana socket is to Earth via a 100k resistor, so can be used for static suppression if needed (although never been a problem). The box is one I put together out of offcuts I had lying around, so its ended up built a bit like a brick dunny!

The device stacked atop is a Keithley 2000 that I fixed (someone had a go at it before and their soldering and diagnosis wasn't up to it). To the right is a HP func gen and a Agilent DC source/battery simulator in effect, both I fixed as well (bad contacts on the HP and a bolt in the wrong place on the Agilent...). To the right is a dual rail bench power supply (built from a kit) and a Rigol 4 channel oscilloscope.
Title: Re: dim bulb tester
Post by: MarkF on February 21, 2024, 01:04:44 pm
See what others have done: (
Title: Re: dim bulb tester
Post by: manicdoc on February 22, 2024, 02:54:47 am
Thanks for that, I see some people have really gone to town on it. In my case I wanted something that fitted in, dimension & stack-ability wise, with the other kit.