Just an update, I built my first version of the Rogowski coil amplifier and it seems to work but looks like it is dominated by 1/f noise. Since the signal is differential, P2:3-1, U1B inverts one side which is fed into U1A and summed with the other side, this helps eliminate common mode noise. Because of the nature of the Rogowski coil, sensitivity increases with frequency, U1A is an integrator. U2, the OP07, sets the output of U1A near to zero, a few mv doesn't matter. R7, R14/C3 form the feedback, connecting to R6 and the +ve input of U1A. C3 stops the DC control loop from oscillating by providing some feed forward at the low end and R14 limits the noise injected from U2 into U1A. The traces show the 1/f noise on the output. Trace is 5mv/div and excitation is 100ma p-p @ 500Hz. The response looks reasonably flat as a 1kHz square wave looks reasonably good. Not sure how to deal with the 1/f noise, except maybe a sharpish high pass filter @ 10Hz. Any suggestions would be appreciated.