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Offline yoshikiTopic starter

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EE toolkit.
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:31:33 am »
Hey, long time without visiting the forum, just wanted to show my iPhone app
and hoping you guys can give me some feedback, the app is going to become
a toolkit for every electric engineering student, currently it can solve linear
equation systems, determinants and it can approximate a given resistance with
commercial resistors.

Best part of this, it's FREE

Some screenshots:

Tap the value of a resistor to get the color code:

Looking forward to hear your comments.

Offline migsantiago

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 03:20:37 pm »
Looks great!

How hard is it to start using Objective-C? I read that you require an Intel Mac to compile the iOS App... is it true?

Did you pay 99USD to be able to publish your electronics App?

Sorry for the questions hehe... I'm just curious.

Offline Vexer

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 10:26:14 pm »
Just installed this on my iPod Touch, looks very nice.

Thought I would suggest a few things you could add:
Ohm's Law calculator
Resistor Color Code calculator(enter color code, get value - enter value, get color code)
Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal converter

Offline yoshikiTopic starter

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 11:12:23 pm »
Looks great!

How hard is it to start using Objective-C? I read that you require an Intel Mac to compile the iOS App... is it true?

Did you pay 99USD to be able to publish your electronics App?

Sorry for the questions hehe... I'm just curious.

If you are comming from C++ it is very easy, or even C. Yes you need an Intel Mac to compile apps running in iOS, though to be serious that's just a trick Apple is doing to make everyone move to Intel, the same thing they are doing with Snow Leopard, they are setting it as a requirement for most of it's software. You have to pay if you want to publish something on the app store, even it it is a free app.

We are planning to add more things, please keep the suggestions comming & thanks for downloading/using the application.

Offline yoshikiTopic starter

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2010, 01:00:28 am »
Just installed this on my iPod Touch, looks very nice.

Thought I would suggest a few things you could add:
Ohm's Law calculator
Resistor Color Code calculator(enter color code, get value - enter value, get color code)
Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal converter

We are adding the Color Code calculator in the next release and in a future release we will be adding the Base converter! Thanks for the suggestion!

If anyone else has any other suggestion please post it here or in the app store page, thanks a lot!!

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2010, 02:31:23 pm »
Well if this program become available also for PDA (Windows mobile)  , it will had an more wide target.

Offline ArtemisGoldfish

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2010, 06:34:36 am »
Well if this program become available also for PDA (Windows mobile)  , it will had an more wide target.

Haha, no one releases applications for Windows Mobile anymore, it seems.
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Offline Zero999

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2010, 03:19:27 pm »
I'd like a Windows version, even if it's command line (no fancy graphics) I'd be happy.

Even better, make it open source so it can easily be ported to many platforms.


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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2010, 03:53:05 pm »
I'd like a Windows version, even if it's command line (no fancy graphics) I'd be happy.

Even better, make it open source so it can easily be ported to many platforms.
The UI would need to be different, and you probably wouldn't use objective C either, so what part would you reuse? It's not like the math is obscure. A javascript version on the web might be less work, if there isn't one yet.

Offline NiHaoMike

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2010, 11:08:41 pm »
Well if this program become available also for PDA (Windows mobile)  , it will had an more wide target.

Haha, no one releases applications for Windows Mobile anymore, it seems.
Windows Mobile is probably the worst Windows ever made. How about open source your app so someone can port it to mobile Linux (Android and others) and maybe even Rockbox?
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Offline yoshikiTopic starter

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2010, 07:02:21 am »
I'd like a Windows version, even if it's command line (no fancy graphics) I'd be happy.

Even better, make it open source so it can easily be ported to many platforms.
The UI would need to be different, and you probably wouldn't use objective C either, so what part would you reuse? It's not like the math is obscure. A javascript version on the web might be less work, if there isn't one yet.

Damn, I hate to admit it but a Javascript version of this would be great, though I don't have the time to rewrite it and I kinda hate js  :P

BTW, there have been a few updates to the software, it has a base converter now, go, check it out:

Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Offline MrPlacid

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2010, 09:01:44 am »

Damn, I hate to admit it but a Javascript version of this would be great, though I don't have the time to rewrite it and I kinda hate js  :P

I like javascript , you should make a js version, so that your software has a longer lifespan. I have seen good softwares that couldn't handle newer os and slowly fade away. It's a shame really, endless hours writing and debugging and the software gone  :'(

By the way, do you use your software frequently and have other student engineers find it useful? I too know how good it feels to have other people using softwares we write.


Offline yoshikiTopic starter

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2010, 06:34:03 pm »

Damn, I hate to admit it but a Javascript version of this would be great, though I don't have the time to rewrite it and I kinda hate js  :P

I like javascript , you should make a js version, so that your software has a longer lifespan. I have seen good softwares that couldn't handle newer os and slowly fade away. It's a shame really, endless hours writing and debugging and the software gone  :'(

By the way, do you use your software frequently and have other student engineers find it useful? I too know how good it feels to have other people using softwares we write.

I have to admit that you are right about the lifespan of a software product, specially a free product but oh well.

Yes, I have seen lots and lots of students using this @ my University I haven't seen whats the use they give it in other Unis but I guess its similar, it's a rewarding feeling knowing someone uses software you have written.

Offline williefleete

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2010, 02:33:28 am »
i have made a VB version of a resistor colour code calculator

it will convert colours to values and vice versa, 4 and 5 band resistors plus gold and silver multiplier bands as well
its only in windows though
« Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 02:37:23 am by williefleete »

Offline yoshikiTopic starter

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Re: EE toolkit.
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2011, 07:55:07 am »
That's a far more complete app for color decoding!


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