Hi Denis,
I enjoyed seeing the update you posted to the CrowdSupply page today explaining the power output coupling / tracking; something you mentioned in the original listing and one of the main reasons I joined in, but nice to see the detailed video explanation

My questions:
1. I've backed the Early Bird 2x Channel + extra DCM220 module for 4x channels... however say I wanted more channels, maybe the same again:
What options, if any, are there for tracking between multiple units? I obviously don't want to combine voltages/currents in any combination between 2x BB3's, but is it possible to turn all outputs on and off of both BB3's from one unit? Can I safely combine multiple BB3's to have one single common GND? [Say set each unit to common GND mode, and link both units with a lead?]
Many of my projects have many voltage rails, so looking for a good solution. [e.g. typically use simultaneously up to: -24V, +24V, +3.3V, +5V, +2.5V, +6.0V, +7.5V +12V], often less.
Are there any other clever features that you can think of having multiple BB3's "talk" to each other, to provide a nice scaleable solution?
2. Could a BB3 be configured with 3x DCP405 (Full) or is it limited to 2x - any other caveats running 3x DCP405 modules?
3. How future proof is the BB3 chassis? I see you made the H24005, which I'm unfamiliar with, but how long is the BB3 likely to stick around, or will there likely be a new chassis in a year or two?
4. Do you have a timeline on any new modules // roadmap?
Keep up the excellent work! I really hope you make the 100% target; the level of detail you've put in to this is really excellent.
All the best,