I was entertained with the idea to replace AC/DC power module or mains transformer with some “in-house” solution almost from the beginning of my programmable power supply adventure. But shortly after EEZ H24005 crowdfunding campaign fulfillment was completed I starts to think more seriously about it. The similar situation was with thinking about alternative for used Arduino Due. I'd like here first to address AC/DC power module since I spent much more time on it then to MCU alternative.
AC/DC power module that should replace existing Mean Well LRS-150-48 (48 V/155 W) is designed taking into account the following features:
- Wide input AC voltage (e.g. 85-265 Vac) without using a 115/230 Vac switch (also called universal AC input, full-range input, etc.)
- Widely adjustable output DC voltage 2-42 Vdc or more. Therefore it can replace not just Mean well's power AC/DC module but also pre-regulator stage of the Power board build around LTC3864.
- Over-current/short-circuit protection
- under-voltage and over-voltage protection
- Min. 200 W of continuous power
- Bias power supply with all needed fixed voltages for the existing Power board (replacing LTC3260 on the Power board for generating required negative voltages)
- Active/Synchronous rectification for better power efficiency (e.g. lower thermal losses)
- Compact design that both power and bias stage are within Mean Well’s module dimensions (i.e. 159 x 97 mm)
I've decided to give a try to the AC/DC converter topology that is possible unusual for such purposes but was recommended by the person who is a sort of “living legend” when comes to power analog electronics who is actively, massively and selflessly helping many DIYers (including me) on couple of regional (Serbian) forums. His name is Dragoljub Aleksijevic, known as
Macola. Therefore presented AC/DC converter (that acts as power pre-regulator and bias power supply) is more or less my attempt to make alive what Macola in one moment suggested.
A couple of disclaimers/clarifications is needed here: first, he also suggested more advanced topologies that can serve as efficient power pre-regulator and has better EMI since there are not hard-switching, but since this was my first attempt to make power AC/DC converter I selected one that will be presented shortly. As you will see there include a lots of interesting details and challenges. Secondly, I was already spent many months on it and I'll try to squeeze a whole adventure in a few posts. Therefore it's quite possible that I'll forget to mention many important details so feel free to ask any kind of questions and I'll try to answer it by myself or by asking Macola for assistance.
The topology is called
current-fed dual inductor converter (CF-DIC), that evolved from
single inductor converter (or SIC) presented for the first time in the article
Filho, Barbi (1996), A comparison between two current-fed push-pull DC-DC converters-analysis, design and experimentation.
The following picture shows basic components for converter's topologies presented in above mentioned article:

… and

A list of DIC benefits over SIC topology is also presented and I'll mention it here for getting a better picture:
- Voltage across the switch is 50% lower, hence switching components stress is lower
- Transformer require only one primary coil and peak volt-ampere is 50% lower
- Input inductor current is 50% lower (a cheaper/smaller inductor can be used)
- Smaller current ripple and rms current in the output capacitor
- Slightly smaller switches rms current
- Inductor switching frequency is 50% lower (hence smaller losses)
What Macola proposed is a little bit different and with having in mind from the start what controller IC could be used to serve that purpose:

It has buck stage at the input that can be used to change duty cycle when PP (push-pull) stage is working with fixed duty cycle. In a way PP stage serve as a “DC transformer” (mind quotation marks here) that isolate primary from secondary side of high-voltage buck. Both buck (synchronous) and PP driver stages can be found in TI's
LM5041B PWM cascaded controller. It include push-pull outputs that can be used to drive PP stage directly but with fixed duty cycle that is set to 50%. Depends of chosen topology, i.e. voltage-fed or current-fed PUSH and PULL outputs can be generated with programmed dead-time or overlap-time.
Driver signals overlapping is of paramount importance since neither of DIC inductors should be disconnected at anytime. That will induce a huge voltage that will shortly destroy one of the switching elements (MOSFETs in our case).
PP switching frequency is derived from buck stage frequency that is twice as much higher and set with external resistor.
How it worksUsing Macola's words the following steps is an overview of important facts during operation:
1. V
in is switched on (first half cycle). HI-BUCK MOSFET and one of the PP MOSFETs (e.g. PUSH) are turned on. DIC1 inductor between them is connected to the full voltage (almost V
in) and current in it is rising following the dI = U / L * dt
2. When PWM time is expired, HI-BUCK is turned off and DIC1 inductor is trying to keep its current (I
end) to flow in the same direction. That current flow is preserved thanks to LO-BUCK MOSFET that is turned on (when expire dead-time after HI-BUCK is turned off). The PUSH MOSFET is still conducting. At the DIC1 inductor ends we have almost short-circuit condition (i.e. the major voltage drop is caused only by R
ds, on of LO-BUCK and PUSH MOSFETs). Following the same law of dI = U / L * dt current change will be minor since voltage is small (about 1 V) hence we can consider that current is constant (e.g. I
end is still unchanged).
3. Just prior then PUSH MOSFET is switched off, PULL MOSFET is switched on (as defined with overlap time) and connect its end of primary coil to the ground. Otherwise when PUSH MOSFET is turned off both primary coil's ends will be left unconnected and the voltage on both drains will go into infinity (with disastrous outcome for one or more components). PULL MOSFET also connect its inductor (DIC2) to the ground and new Buck cycle is starting that is now charging DIC2 inductor.
4. Short overlap time is expired and PUSH MOSFET is turned off and voltage on its drain reach primary coil's V
clamp value (since its other end is grounded). Other end of the primary coil, that is connected to the switched off PUSH MOSFET is now behave as an accumulator that is charging and has V
clamp potential. Current thru DIC1 has I
end value and is now flowing thru the primary coil.
5. DIC1 inductor potential is now V
in – V
clamp, because Buck hi-side period is active. Since it was previously shorted and preserve I
end current, that current is now decrease slowly since a small voltage difference exists between its ends.
6. HI-BUCK is turned off again, and its voltage drops to LO-BUCK voltage drop (e.g. -V
d). DIC1 inductor has now V
clamp - (-V
d). The voltage difference is now much higher and current thru DIC1 inductor is falling much faster supplying the primary coil. DIC2 inductor has a constant current and its captured by short-circuit caused by PULL MOSFET conduction state and waiting that PULL MOSFET be turned off that it can start to flow into primary coil that will be reversely polarized in that moment.
7. Prior then PULL MOSFET is switched off (during the overlap period) now the PUSH MOSFET is turned on and “catch” its side of the primary coil, PULL MOSFET is turned off and current is continue to flow in other end of the primary coil that is reversely polarized.
… and the whole cycle is repeated over and again.
CF-DIC with short overlap time can be interpret as two boost converters that works in counter-phase with duty cycle a slightly over 50% and which load behind rectifiers is V
clamp. That means that the almost same rule is applicable for DIC inductor's calculation, where their supply is the buck stage, and average voltage of it pulses can be used as a DC source.
Output V
clamp on the C
out is reflected/mirrored on the primary coil proportionally to the transformer transfer ratio (N
s). For example if V
clamp (i.e. converter's output voltage) is set to 10 V with transformer ratio N = 2 we'll have 20 V on the primary coil ends despite the fact that DC bus voltage is 325 Vdc (rectified 230 Vac).
clamp that is reflected/mirrored on the primary side can be seen as a voltage source with certain internal resistance. Therefore primary coil behaves as voltage source what is result of such heavy capacitance load. That load is necessary since it directly define its V
clamp. That is quite opposite from voltage-fed converters.