I've started to test a first prototype of "aux" power module based on LT3763 as announced in
#86. I've managed to put two channels that could deliver 0-20 V up to 4 A each, and has output voltage and current control. It also comes with on-board MCU for few reasons:
- It will help us to define DIB protocol between master MCU and peripheral module with its own MCU
- The selected STM32F373 comes with multichannel 16-bit ADC for very attractive price that is below "standalone" 4-ch ADCs with the same resolution
- It should be cost attractive alternative to DCP405 module, when more power outputs are required on the bench: up to six channels with BB3 chassis.
The module name is DCM220, built on a 2-layer PCB. All selected components, as usual, are with exposed pins that I can solder it without need for stencil and reflow oven. OK, such requirement narrows the list of possible components, and perhaps more attractive controller then LT3763 exists on the market. Anyway, so far I'm satisfied with preliminary results made by testing only first channel. The first PCB prototype (r1B1) asked for some improvements, and it now doesn't look so nice (see below) but it will do the job.

The schematics follows below and your comments are welcomed.
Bias power supply and DIB interface
DC power input is +48 V that comes from Mean Well AC/DC module (max. 155 W), the same one used to powering the DCP405 module. TPS54060DGQ (IC2) is used as step-down converter which power inductor is replaced with coupled inductor that provide both positive and negative voltage. The negative one is used solely for diff. op-amp used for set output current. Since it cannot provide (RRO) rail-to-rail output, it is not possible to goes down to zero without slightly negative power rail. Firstly, I was thinking about deploying LM7705 but it's unnecessary expensive (with all that needed capacitors around it). Buck positive output is step-down once again with LDO (IC5) to provide +3.3 V for MCU, DAC and digital isolators.
Although power channels on this modules are not isolated (i.e. share the same Vout-), I've decide to isolate it from the MCU GND, to provide more flexibility to combine its outputs with other modules. Therefore DIB interface used for communication with the MCU board has to be isolated. A low speed variant (1 Mbit/s instead of 150Mbit/s) of IC1 and IC3 is selected that I believe will be sufficient for responsive communication. Module parameters are stored into I2C EEPROM (IC4).
DAC, temp. sensors and MCU
I have (and still have) some doubts what is the most efficient way of controlling power buck controllers voltage and current: dedicated 4-ch DAC, MCU's built-in DAC and PWM output or combination of both (e.g. 2-ch external DAC, and 2-ch MCU DAC or PWM outputs). In the first prototype
MAX5715 is used, a 4-ch, 12-bit I2C DAC with pretty good price. The good thing about selected DAC is that 8- and 10-bit variants are also available that give us possibility to scale it down reducing the cost further.
It is already mention what was the idea behind selecting STM32F373 as on-board MCU: its 16-bit (SAR) ADCs. ADC inputs are used to monitor output voltage and current on both channel. To keep cost low, I've marked xtal as an option, since MCU could use internal resonator, which is not so accurate as external xtal but should do the job. We have to test that in practice. MCU flash programming is intended to be accomplish over JTAG/SWD connector, but afterward I decide to add possibility to use UART. That will require control of BOOT0 input and UART lines are also added into the latest revision of BP3C backplane (r3B1).
Power channel #1
Design of the power channel is based on the typical application of the selected LT3763 which is high voltage sync buck controller that features current monitoring and control among many other things. It is powered from bias power supply to reduce its dissipation as in case that it is supplied directly from DC power input (+48 V). The +8 V that comes from bias supply is slightly above min. Vin that is +6 V. In fact, I didn't test that yet due to inconvenient tracing on the existing PCB but that is now included in the r1B2 revision.
As current control CTRL1 input is used that accept 0 to 1.5 V for current limit programming. Since DAC output goes up to 2.5 V its output is attenuated using the diff. op-amp IC9B that full DAC scale can be used. Max. output current is defined with Rsense (R27) that generate 50 mV drop for max. output current. With selected 12 mOhm that is about 4 A. Selected switching MOSFETs are IRFR7546TRPBF with low R(ds, on) and V(ds, max) of 60 V. The lo-side MOSFET could be assisted with diode (D4) that is marked as optional but I'm using SK55 on the prototype and have to test if it will stay or not. To further reduce output ripple and noise an additional LC filtering is added (L3, C52+C56) and I have to test how it affect transient response.
Voltage is programmed by bringing another DAC channel output to the FB voltage divider (R33, R39) via R41 that are calculated to give 0 to about 20 V on the output. Output voltage is monitored by bringing it to the MCU's ADC input using the separate voltage divider (R34, R40) that gives +2.5 V for max. output voltage.
The main obstacle with LT3763 is that no CC mode of operation indication is available. Therefore I tried to derived it from CV mode of operation when voltage on the FB input pin is constant and should be about 1.2 V. Op-amp IC11B works as comparator that compares ref. voltage that divider R43, R44 set to 1.119 V just a little bit bellow mentioned CV mode voltage. First I forgot to isolate FB from the op-amp but IC11C is added later that FB pin is not affected with connected comparator. No resistor is needed on the input of IC11C since selected MC33274ADR2G has not input diodes.
Comparator's output is used as CC indicator that goes to MCU and that can indirectly set on and off CC_LED. CV mode indication does not exist
per se and OE (output enable) is used instead. To avoid simultaneous activation of CC and OE LEDs, Q4 disable OE_LED (green) when CC_LED is active. Ok, other possibility is to drive OE_LED as in case of CC_LED directly from MCU, a change that I'll probably add, since four pins remain unassigned on the MCU.
Finally, the power Vout- is exposed that can be coupled under firmware control with other module's grounds using only the half of DIB power sourcing connector (X4).
Power channel #2
Nothing more can be said about second power channel that is identical to the first one.
Module's latest design files are now available on the
GitHub as part of the BB3 project, and PDF schematic of the presented r1B2 is also attached here for the download.