Thanks for your feedback, more comments below ...
Since everybody envisions a version #2 of a successful product here are some ideas that might be wroth considering for the mainframe:
Consider a USB-PD port on the mainframe. You could instrument it or not, my primary interest is in all the devices that need power from these ports. However I can see how product designers could use an USB-PD port with full reporting of voltage and current usage.
Ok, that sounds like a valid idea, its connector could take the place on the front panel where the Ethernet jack was previously (see below). Quite another thing is how to accomplish "power source/drain" section and where to place it.
It would also be nice to have a 5VDC port on the main panel, banana plugs of course. Nothing fancy here at all, 1-2 amps with no adjust ability.
Hm, that is not so simple, especially if you'd like a properly spaced banana plugs that take a lot of space. Other possible issue for some people could be isolated/floated output that offers currently available power modules (
DCP405 and
DCM220). A whole idea about DCM220 module is to provide two AUX outputs. Perhaps a too expensive approach

Yes it is extra work but the Ethernet port needs to be on the back side of the box
That is already done as part of crowdfunding campaign
stretch goal. New front and rear panel can be seen in the picture
This one I'm not sure about as it is user interface related but you might consider integrating the user switch into the rotary knob.
Rotary knob/encoder already comes with switch that is used for "confirmation" mode. User switch provides quick access to few extra functions.
Directly related to the above You might want an M12 receptacle wired in parallel with the user push button. The would allow for remote pushbutton cords that you can easily buy for pushbutton operation. A switch like these:, with an M12 connector on the other side. M12 connectors are heavily used in automation and industry and have the right qualities for something that gets puled on. Of course cheaper solutions can be used but probably not as convenient or widely used.
For remote control you have SCPI commands that can be send via USB or Ethernet. I'm fan of foot pedal because it leaves both hands free, but yes, why not also use mentioned push button cord. You can wire it to one of digital inputs on the front panel right now.
Always make sure there is room for that second fan. Not ever installation will be on an air conditioned desktop.
There is a room for second fan. The first prototype of rear panel had a second hole, but I gave up because only one was enough.
That is about the only real suggestions I can offer up for a version 2 maintframe. IF there are ergonomic issues they will show up in time.
As for your I/O cards, looking at all the comments in one read tonight I think what you might need is a MicroPython based intelligent card. Possibly a card that sits on top of one of these new relay cards. The reason I say that is because some of the requests involve I/O and processing that probably wasn't thought about when the project started. That could be handled by a card with processing capability and some good ole RS232 comms. Yes RS232 is old but it is still widely used on process controller and the like. If you can imagine the card would buffer or process data in the middle so to speak. Say read data from an environmental chamber, process and format for the mainframes controller. Maybe make control decision on its own. In an ideal world the mainframe controller would do that itself but apparently you don't have the I/O or didn't expose it.
This has become long winded but it took a good portion of the night to read this thread anyways.
Since MicroPython is already "on board" everything inserted into the "mainframe" will be MicroPython enabled. Announced
MIO168 module is no exception. The same goes for the remote control of its resources using SCPI and MQTT.
Regarding "mainframe version 2": what will happen in the future will be directly connected and affected with destiny of "version 1" that I have first to deliver to crowdfunding campaign backers and try to establish sales channels that could generate enough revenue to keep us alive. Looks like this year will be decisive for us and many others.