Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

Electronic die project

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Hello everyone
I have documented another beginners' project using an Arduino bootloader and a few other parts to make an electronic die.
If this is of interest, please have a look at http://wp.me/pQmjR-VX
have fun

I would recommend using a spring in a metal tube instead of a mercury switch.

Nice project.
I think the mercury switch is fine, especially the encapsulated one that you used.

BTW.. the video wouldn't load for me. The problem is probably on my end, but thought I'd mention it in case others have the same issue.


--- Quote from: JohnS_AZ on October 02, 2010, 03:44:45 pm ---Nice project.
I think the mercury switch is fine, especially the encapsulated one that you used.

--- End quote ---

Thanks JohnS_AZ

Yes, the switch is quite solid. I remember selling the glass ones years ago at Dick Smith Electronics, we hid them behind the counter for safety (with the 16550 UARTS and blue LEDs...)  :)

Just checked my privacy settings on Youtube and Vimeo for the die video clips, they're all public.
Maybe try again in a minute or two?


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