I read couple threads on forums what I could find, but still I don't feel satisfied. I know this is kind of washed up topic, but still I want to ask
First I wanted to avoid the whole thing and pain and just get IC designed for it, I got MAX6818 and when it arrived I realized that it has 40ms debouncer integrated. So it's more for somebody with mechanical switches on input, but I wanted to measure 3ms signals with it, so not usable.
In second step I designed similar circuit as it's in the third, but instead inverter I had resistor bridge and instead 4.7V zener I had 5.1V, to pull up and curent limiting resistor were smaller. I tried to simulate it in LTSpice and it looked very good, but I used similar parts and I don't know exactly how weak will be input signal and how it work in real life (IRL there would be much more hidden resistors and I don't know how it would work with mine bridges, pull ups etc... and it looked for me to complicated for simulate it 100% properly)
So I decided to do differently in last step I got rid of the resistor bridge and replaced it with 74HC14, they have schottky diodes so it's next level of protection and it's signal booster, so I don't need to know what values is PullUP resistor in MCU and I will know that the inverters output will have proper voltage levels (with the resistor bridge I wasn't 100% sure). Then next problem is that I don't have 5V transil diode and I can't buy it (even if I could find it in some distributors cataloge, they would ship it very expensively like 60 euro, so I usually buy parts from sites like eBay and similars...). The lowest value is 5.8V transil (400W), to make it frendly for inverters input I put there 4.7 zener diode (1W). Then I have there weak pullup 47k (I'm not sure if I should put there even higher value) and when desired it will be pull down. And series resistor of 10k, I hope for general automotive purpose it will be OK, not to low to disturb the signals in car and not to high to have decent signal for MCU.
So I can you criticize me if it's OK to use it in my car? (At the moment it's one off project and this parts I have available, using cheaper parts that I don't have available in my junk box won't help me)
Thanks Anton.