Another thing to point out: How large is your design in terms of gates? Does it need more modern technolgies (60nm ro lower) to be reasonable? If so, 10k is just not gonna cut it, the minimum-area requirements of MPW services such as Europractice will still blow way past that budget. (10k won't get you even a single mm2 of die area in anything past 60nm, and you usually need 5-6mm2 or more). I'm an analog designer so I have no idea if your design would fit on .7 um technologies.
Also keep in mind that these MPW services don't give you volume - with europractice, depending on the foundary (TSMC, GF, ST, ...) you get 40-100 samples. Great to test a design or for research, but if you have to get your cost of production out of those 100 samples, you are gonna have to charge over 500-600 euros a sample *just to make back the MPW cost*. This does not include testing, packaging, distribution, etc. In other words, great to get silicon in hand to test (and perhaps to go to investors) but not a viable product path.
Also, the discounted tools through Europractice, to my knowledge, are only for University/non-profit research institutes. If you want to sell a product, you are gonna have to talk and deal with Cadence/Synopsys/Mentor yourself. I do believe they have plans where they offer software for very low prices for the first few years to startups (so you can get through seed investing and get a decent prototype etc as startup without having to spend 80% of your capital in a few Cadence licenses). They ofcourse factor that in to the long-term pricing...