I've been dabbling with electronics for some years, just the typical simple projects everyone is doing and some stuff for Wiring (mostly sofware but still...).
Anyways, I'm completely hooked now and I've decided to invest in a proper workbench setup.
Please see:

Every piece of equipment will be purchased, so if you have either strong opinions that I should get something else or see that I'm lacking something - please let me know!

The only exception is the PC - which is built and ready to go.
I've kind of split my desk into PC (gaming, recording of music and of course CAD work) and EE. I'm considering mounting a drawer between the two 'spots' but I feel it will ruin the flow more than it adds. I'll start without I think.
The main table has an area of 180cm * 90cm.
I will add led strips, power outlets and a couple of USB hubs where needed.
Thanks for reading! Let me know if you see faults or have ideas or criticism.