Author Topic: Finished ATTiny2313A Necklace  (Read 1836 times)

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Finished ATTiny2313A Necklace
« on: December 27, 2013, 09:09:18 am »
After this video I went to Harbor Freight and got a 4 pack of CR2032 Batteries for $1.99 and used my Tayda $0.10 coin cell holder.

So total parts:
1 x ATTiny 2313A (Free Atmel Sample)
1 x LTP-757  5x7 LED Matrix ($1.00 from Jameco)
2 x 2 inch pieces of wire (practically free)
1 x CR2032 Coin Cell ($ 0.50 at Harbor Freight)
1 x CR2032 Coin Cell Holder ($0.10 from Tayda Electronics)
1 x DIP socket (Used inside the necklace so I can remove the chip and put it back in the breadboard for programming)
1 x Snowman shaped candy container (Free from Christmas candy)
3 feet of red ribbon (Free from Mom ;) )

Also Needed:

Atmel / AVR Studio (Free)
Arduino or AVR Programmer (Anywhere from $5 to $30)
Jumper Wire
Soldering Iron
Xacto Knife

I'll post my code later, it's on a different computer, but basically what Bruce Hall at W8BH.NET has for this with my own added Christmas symbols.

Fuses are set to 4MHz, 65ms delay, Div8 off, SPI enabled.

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