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Help for installing package manager (APT) Linux
Swaroop 21:
I have the phyBOARD Segin with i.MX 6UL SBC, which has Linux image on it provided by Phytec (BSP-Yocto-phyBOARD-Segin-PD17.2.0). The problem I am facing is Phytec Linux images aren't equipped with apt, or any package manager. And I want to download python newest version on it. But as apt isn't present I can't do anything. I have access through WinSCP to its file system. So is there anyway to get the package manager itself ? so I can get the other tools like MAKE to compile the python. I can't find any solution for this. If any Linux aficionados would help please.
I would have a look at this page:
Selecting your board gets you links to various help pages. You can also get help through their support portal:
Swaroop 21:
I looked into the Yocto Project and found out that I need to add the apt or any package manager when making the custom Linux kernel image for the phyBOARD. And the prebuilt images which phytec provides doesn't include any package managers not even low level ones such as dkpg. So its the only hard way to do it. As a beginner it would take quite some time to figure out how to build a custom image and include the package. Also I how to migrate that image to the onboard nand flash so I won't require SD card to boot from.
They supply a ready to go VM with all toolchains etc. Pages and pages of documentation. How much easier do you want it?
These are boards for an embedded setup where the expectation is custom images will be created. Yocto et al is for the most part meant to be a prebuilt system with the packages you want baked in. So it's rarely as simple as "apt install ..." . Yocto does have its own packaging type but you'll need the dev env going first and you'll need to get an updated recipe for whatever package you want.
As a beginner what are you expecting? You might be better off with a product that has wider customer base like a Raspberry Pi where custom packages are already available etc.
You might find buildroot a bit easier than Yocto but without a specific config from Phytec (they might have) you'll have to start from scratch a bit
I was in a similar position. The prebuilt images had python 2 but I needed python 3. The issue is that python and operating system are tightly coupled. I mean there are lots of dependencies related to python. So I found it easier to compile a new version of yocto which has already python 3 instead of updating python 2 on an older yocto version.
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