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Help identifying my design flaw

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Hi, I'm trying to design a custom made RP2040 based keyboard for myself and have it printed by JLCPCB. I designed one portion and had it assembled and delivered but when it arrived, none of the assembled boards could be detected by either my win10 pc or my linux laptop so it almost certainly a design issue on my end.

Also I forgot to mention these images are slightly outdated, I added a ground plane and moved the decoupling capacitors closer to the relevant pads

Any feedback would be appreciated thanks.

Dual layer PCB with no Gnd plane? You seem to have disregarded all USB2.0 layout guidelines...
Some reading, more Most important here is to understand/implement the differential strip line with proper care for the high frequency signals.

Is USB 2.0 necessary for a keyboard?

Did you check the state of the RP2040? Did you check supply voltage after connection with the PC? What bootloader is installed? What type of HID-software are you using? Is it in the right boot state or does a flash drive appear as soon as you connect it?


--- Quote from: Phil1977 on July 19, 2024, 10:16:39 am ---Is USB 2.0 necessary for a keyboard?

--- End quote ---

No, but its a bit more convenient to use in my opinion

--- Quote from: Phil1977 on July 19, 2024, 10:16:39 am ---Did you check the state of the RP2040?

--- End quote ---

Yes. Run is tied to IOVDD because I don't need a reset, TESTEN is floating, and QSPI_SS is pulled up, as stated in the data sheet

--- Quote from: Phil1977 on July 19, 2024, 10:16:39 am ---Did you check supply voltage after connection with the PC?

--- End quote ---

Yeah, theres definitely a voltage being supplied.

--- Quote from: Phil1977 on July 19, 2024, 10:16:39 am ---What bootloader is installed? Is it in the right boot state or does a flash drive appear as soon as you connect it?

--- End quote ---

For these my understanding is the RP2040 doesn't require anything. The first time its plugged in, it should provide its own bootloader by acting as a flash drive, but nothing is appearing at all. Nothing is showing up in devices either

Are you pushing the BOOT1 button at the same time that you plug in the USB cable?


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