IntroductionSince the inception of my first long-scale AD converter [1], I thought of making my own multimeter as a good final platform for it. While1 thinking hard and making big plans for perfect multimeter, contest from Hackaday appeared and I immediately knew what to do. For those who don't want to go through the original contest call [2] - the aim was to make tech at home, that is - build whatever interesting out of parts you have at home.
Design constraintsI took this call seriously and decide to build 6 digit multimeter out of parts I had at home, preferably reusing old components from PCB scrap or new old stock - mostly Czechoslovakian production from before 1990 - or leftovers from other projects. I knew that reusing old components (with parameters much worse than contemporary semiconductor industry offers) and keeping the circuit on prototype boards will have impact on multimeter performance. I started working on the project, but unfortunately a few days before contest deadline, life hit me and I was unable to finish everything into desired state. Until the contest deadline I was able to upload a few project logs and partial documentation [3], being below of what was considered complete project, as well as below my standards for contest projects. When my life got back to normal, contest was long over and my motivation to work on this one evaporated. On the other hand, the project wasn't complete failure; it helped me to understand some design aspects of benchtop multimeters with hands-on experience and I'm pretty sure it's going to help me with design and build of next multimeter model. Fun fact is that during the design and build of this junkbox multimeter I never had any schematics drawn on paper, with exception of printed pinouts that got a lot of wear during night building/testing sessions. Afterwards I decided to redraw the schematics until my memory is relatively fresh, so that others can learn from my mistakes.
ResultsI'm not new to multimeter-ish design [5] and I decided to copy proven parts of this into new bench multimeter and add new necessary circuits, like power supply and current shunts with befitting circuitry. Not surprisingly, the electrical circuit of multimeter is only half of the work, I had to put some thoughts into thermal design, gather and solve mechanical constraints while keeping it manufacturable in my 10 sqm of home workshop.
The build itself took a few interesting turns, mostly because it was centered around parts I had; unlike the usual flow, where I design with anything that fits the needs. For example I never breadboarded FPGA, never used germanium transistors with FPGA in one circuit.
Oh and I made first gear with clickity-clack power switch with long rod transferring user operation to switch lever. Take a look [6]
Things left to doIt does basic job of multimeter - measurements of volts (3 ranges), current (3 ranges) and resistance (4 ranges). Calibration is currently "hardwired" into MCU sources and can't be done from user side. That is definitely missing feature. Not much of communication interface is used other than dumping measured values through serial port. Since we are living in 21th century, I planned to employ USB interface and ethernet, but from aforementioned reasons this didn't happen. The firmware could use a lot of spit and polish. Massive spit and furious polish, I mean.
When not doing the device for show in contest, I'd use a lot more modern components. Thermal stability would improve much, as well as noise and probably linearity. Of course, making this multimeter on protoboards is nonsense. For good performanc it has to be done on proper PCB with all the shielding, good grounding and guarding.
PerformanceAs explained earlier, this multimeter wasn't built with high performance in mind and due to problems before and disillusion after contest deadline, I never got to real performance verification. From quick comparison to my golden HP34401A it looks to be reasonable linear and stable for 6 digit multimeter, at least at DCV ranges. Current range is OK, too. Resistance measurement suffers from drift after powerup, but that is expected; in my [5] I used much more recent opamps that gave the circuit much better stability. Noise is somehow worse than [5], but that is probably to be expected. Since the project is shelved, I have no intention to dig into it deeper.
ResoucesMy totally messy sources and schematics (kicad sources as well as PDF output) are attached to this post. Use it as you wish.
ResumePower switches with rod are fun, building contest stuff from junk is fun too. But now it's over, and it's time for something more serious.
[1] -[2] -[3] -[4] -[5] -[6] -