Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

How to Detect our Car's Engine is Running or Not?

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i want to build a circuit that will disconnect the engine starter circuitry (before the relay, after the car's key) coz i hate when i accidentally turn my car's key while the engine is running, the starter will goes nasty! and my car doesnt have the protective circuit like other cars do. but in order to do this, i need to detect whether the engine is ON or OFF.

going into the engine sensor will be messy i think, i'm planning to start from the alternator, coz thats the source of electricity during the engine ON, but i have no clue how my car's alternator outputting the electric, is it AC or DC? or every cars are the same architect of alternator? if i cant do with alternator whats the other source to detect?

so my clearer questions will be:
1) how's the car's alternator works?
2) whats the best way to detect the engine is running or not?

any idea... i thank you.

Tachometer signal.

But you must make sure you can actually complete cranking as you'll get this signal as soon as you start turning over the engine....

Tachometer is used for the safety interlocks on LPG vehicles to allow the gas valves to operate.


--- Quote from: shafri on July 24, 2010, 10:16:57 pm ---2) whats the best way to detect the engine is running or not?

--- End quote ---

Oil pressure sensor/light  ;)

ok thank you... but... where i can find those tachometer and oil pressure sensor/light in my car?


--- Quote from: shafri on July 24, 2010, 10:23:37 pm ---ok thank you... but... where i can find those tachometer and oil pressure sensor/light in my car?

--- End quote ---

A good starting point is under the bonnet. It's your car though so you have to work out the rest!


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