I am building a one-of circuit that will be connected to two power sources and wonder what is a reasonable way to do the power arbitration.
Here is a simplified schematic diagram

The circuit include a 5V Arduino Min Pro
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11113 , a 5V FTDI Basic @115.2K
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9716, a ATA6663 Lin transceiver chip, and a 12V/5V Linear regulator (for higher max Vin than the Arduino's LDO). The USB side of the FTDI Basic will be used with a laptop computer running on batteries (floating) so no ground issues.
The board should be able to operate in these three configurations
1. VBAT power only (USB is disconnected or laptop is off). Arduino should function (TX, RX, leds, etc). FTDI/USB not used though the Arduino sends 0/5V signals.
2. USB power only (USB connected, laptop powered, VBAT off) - FTDI and Arduino should function (e.g. to upload a new program). Lin chip not used though the Arduino sends 0/5V signals.
3. Both VBAT and USB power. Everything should work.
Of course it is also important that nothing, including the computer, will get damaged in the above scenarios, so possibly, some protection on the signal lines may be required (hopefully not).