Hi Kleinstein, :-)
The pre-regulator is switching
OFF type (stop charging the buffer capacitor, when the de voltage is high enough)
Everi new period it start charging again en switch of the charging if de dropout voltage is reached, simple and elegant.
It is NOT a switching pre regulator.
And more inportant it is Low Noise, this is a realy low noise LAB Power Supply <5uV 22KHz bandwith @ 5-Ampere.
And the Ri is extreme low at high frequency.
The 10 turn potmeter is fine for setting the voltage, i do not need to set this powersupply to 1mV precision.
Everitime i hear the same remarks about the Sizlaki output stages on several fora, its like i here a parrot talking, as a designer you have to do your job, make it stable!
Look at R13 and R14, these resistors keep it calm, and powersupply (with good specs) is not a DC circuit, you have to treat is as a "low HF" circuit, say 10MHz
Kind regarts,