Use a high side switch (like the MIC20xx series) to turn off power to the SD card when you're not using it.
You don't need anything that fancy - ll you need is a P-channel MOSFET.
Make sure all control lines are set low when turning off to avoid powering it via these.
Just make sure you allow time for the data write to complete before powering down.
Also I've found that power draw varies a lot between different cards, so if you have control over the card selection this may help. But turning it off is going to save by far the most.
The effect of the current draw while writing is going to be pretty insignificant if you're only doing it every 15 mins, so probably not worth spending time on. If the write takes one second, every mA you save will only save a little over a microamp on avarage.
Something else you could do is put the micro to sleep once you've sent the data to the card and are waiting for it to complete, then when teh write is done, wake up to turn the card off and go back to sleep.
I'm not too familiar with low-level SD stuff but I think the data-out line changes state when the card goes ready to allow for easy polling - you could use this to generate a wake-up interrupt.
If this is not possible, you can wake after a guesstimate of the write time ( remember this will vary due to internal management), poll the card, and go back to sleep if not ready.