Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

I am geting a masive project on my lap!

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In 2 weeks I am starting my graduation work as a power engineer.
The task at hand is mapping the electric system in a government building. Thats from the 22kv/400v transformer to the outlet.

Have any of you guys been involved in a similar project?

I am a bit worried cos what they said "The system is under dimension and mostly undocumented and we want you to go thur it and document and suggest changes."

Help! I only got one project under my belt. And that was only a economic calculation on solar panels.



>I am a bit worried cos what they said "The system is under dimension and mostly undocumented and we want you to go thur it and document and suggest changes."

How is is under dimension ? ie is the cables to small for the fuses / they did expect that all outlet's can be loaded 100%


Does "under dimension" mean "underspecced"? as in insufficient capacity for the usage requirement?

An electricians nightmare :-) Are you asking about the best tools to use or about project self-management?

The only thing I know so far is that they donĀ“t know a lot of the wiring and they want it documented. The building is like a hangar with a overhead crane and a guard both. And the contractor used a subcontractor that did not follow the standard on documentation and and it pollutes the grid when the crane is operating and if it has any load It blows the beakers.

And I have no idea how to crack this one. Well I guess I get a better idea wen i get access.


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