Background: I'm a member of Boston University's Rocket Team. We make hybrid HDPE/N20 rocket motors. My task, electronically speaking, is to make a system capable of measuring the DC and AC components of a pressure transducer (well, many, and some load cells, but let's focus). The transducer is rated at 500PSI (sorry, it's aerospace here) FSO, and 3mV/Volt Excitation at FSO, where excitation is 10V. I need to measure the DC component accurately, as well as the AC component on top of that since the expectation is to glean the hemholtz frequency for the combustion chamber during the burn. I'm using an INA125 instrumentation amp to generate excitation for the transducer and amplify it with a gain of 100, such that a chamber pressure of 550PSI produces 3.3v, my ADC reference voltage. However, I need to low pass filter the signal at about fc=2kHz (but I'm not positive about that fc, so it needs to be tunable). My plan is to use the INA125 to drive a
LT1063 switch-cap lowpass filter, which in turn drives my ADC, an
Analog Devices AD7685 sampling at 20ksps. The ADC needs no additional input protection here, since the filter driving it has a maximum output current of 20mA (less than the 130mA the ADC can take if the input voltage is >.3v outside supply), however the filter will require something like a 20 ohm input resistor to prevent the INA125 from overdriving it in the case that the pressure transducer sees much more than 550psi (like in the case of a hard start). Finally of note, the LTC1063 runs on +5/0V supply and requires 4V on its clock pin for logic high, meaning my 3.3v microcontroller can't drive it: this will be rectified with a
MC74VHC1GT126 TTL-input CMOS-output buffer from ON semi to buffer the clock line. The clock-to-corner ratio of the filter is 100:1, so for a 2kHz corner, the clock will need to be 200kHz.
Perhaps that will all be much clearer with an actual schematic: I should have one finished sometime tomorrow. In the mean time, the real question is, can this filter be operated effectively in this way, with a common mode on the input somewhere around 3 volts, preserving both that and the AC components on top of it? The datasheet doesn't make it totally clear that this will work, EG by providing a minimum output voltage rating for single-supply operation.
The fallback option is that I'm designing this whole analog front end on a small board to be placed as close to the sensors as possible. The plan is to put this filter assembly on a small daughtercard, such that if I mess up the filter design, I can replace only that component. As well, if the filter simply fails all over, I can run the amplified signal straight into the ADC with no filtering. This will at least allow logging of the DC pressure, and could give the particular frequency of interest so long as nothing in a similar range has aliased in.