Fiddling with op-amp earlier and feed them with some MHz signal through BNC cables. I got some nasty signal attenuation, even if i disconnected the cable from the op-amp circuit, particularly at 50MHz sine signal. So i curious, stop my op-amp fiddling and try to figure out whats going on. I thought there is some sort of shorting inside the BNC/coax cable that i DIY'ed earlier, measuring continuty check showing my DIY cable is fine (no short), but still, the shit happened. So just as Dave's video on Tektronix probe shock (that i voted everyday
), i come to the conclusion that my cable is acting as a transmission line (antenna) to my signal generator. Here is the setup:
My BNC/Coax Cable Length =
77.5cm (from end to end or tip to tip of BNC connectors) i have 2 of this DIY cable.
Resonance frequency =
60MHz from FG (wavelength somewhere at 500cm), not the exact resonance i think, but to demonstrate it best here.
1.jpg = using one of the cable to read the signal, i suspect there is already attenuation along the line. (but i cannot prove it)
2.jpg = adding another cable through the T-junction (was meant to go to the op-amp circuit) note how nasty the attenuation on the DSO.
3.jpg = adding a terminator at the end of cable solve the problem (attenuation) adding impedance to it to avoid power loss.
4.jpg = adding more BNC cable instead of a terminator will solve the issue as well.
Calculating it, the resonance occured at 1/3 of wavelength (500cm/3=167cm), maybe including the T-junction length and accessories etc.
So watch out newbies (me included), you could just tossing your FG good bye by just connecting a proper length'ed antenna (cable) to it.