So, hi. Long-time listener/watcher, first time board-poster here. I'm someone who always was interested in electronics, but only within the last couple of months have I actually started building things and experimenting. I'm one of those geeks who got sucked in by the Arduino explosion. Finally, a cheap, easy-to-program microcontroller with a decent amount of RAM! (The last time I seriously looked at playing with electronics, the BASIC stamp was the only comparable option, and I hated many things about it, including the fact that I'd be using BASIC.)
I've decided to try to design a frequency counter/event counter, from scratch, avoiding looking at frequency counter schematics as much as possible. It's my first really complex design, and sort of a test of my ability, in addition to being a very useful piece of test equipment. At this point, I still haven't laid down any circuits.
I want it to be able to measure at least 30 MHZ, with an accuracy of within a few PPM. As much as possible, I want to avoid SMD parts. I do plan on sending out to have the PCB made.
The input signal will be fed through an input module, which will use comparators to convert the signal to digital logic levels. The module will have settable low and high trigger levels.
The pulses will get fed into a 25-bit counter circuit made out of flip-flops. I think I'm going to use CD74HCT4024E chips for the basic building blocks.
The outputs from the counter logic will be fed into some transparent latches, and I'd also like to split off each line to a LED binary counter, with each line driving an LED through a FET for blinkenlights bling. Anyone know if driving an LED at 30 MHz is a Bad Idea? For the latches, I think the SN74LVC373AN will work.
I'm going to use an AVR chip running Arduino for the brains of the project, mostly because I have a bunch of ATMEGA 328s on-hand, and I know what I'm doing with Arduino. No, I won't be slapping an actual Arduino board in there.
It'll do all the math, control the latches, control the display, and any other administrative functions.
I know that I'm not going to have enough data lines. I think I'm going to use one or two MCP23016 chips for more IO lines. I2C is easy-mode.
The meter will use 7-segment LEDs for its display, driven by the uC. I'm highly tempted to use a bunch of Nixies I have on hand, but that'd double or triple the parts-cost of the project, so, no, I'm not going to do that, no matter how cool it'd look.
I could use some help with a few aspects. I'm operating at the edge of my knowledge of electronics, here, so please feel free to yell "OH GOD NO YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG," so long as you tell me why. Suggestions for cheaper or more suited logic would also be helpful, keeping in mind I'd like to stick with 5v logic in DIP packages. I should also note that at the moment the only test gear available to me is a good multimeter and a cruddy little pocket O-Scope. (I'm in the process of searching for a cheap/free analog oscilloscope, but still haven't acquired one yet. Actually, I don't have the multimeter yet, but that should be here in a couple of days. I bit the bullet and bought an Amprobe 37XR-A off ebay when my $10 meter stopped working without applying percussive engineering.)
I also need some sort of precision clock source and timer. Ideally, this would output time-between-events on a trigger signal, with timings available of up to one Hz, but something which can output pulses at a user-defined frequency would also be fine. It's got to be precise to within a few ppm. I'm not really even sure what to plug in to get the searches for what I want. But I do want varied and preferably widely adjustable timebases.
Also, do you think the circuit as I describe it will throw out an inordinate amount of RF hash when running at high speed, if I take common-sense measures like keeping high-frequency lines as short as possible and using shielded input cables?
Anyway, I'd be immensely thankful for any input you folks might want to throw my way, and I look forward to documenting the whole process I'm going through designing and building this thing.