R47 needs a pulldown near it.
Is supply switching really the best way to "enable" U13? Surely you could pull up CS or something like that?
5Hx and 12Hx are absent, or at least I can't see where they are. Schematic isn't searchable, it's flattened graphics, well mostly, some text labels survive but not the important ones like labels and part numbers.
Also weird that none of the lines line up. I assume everything is snapped to grid and connected, and that's some weird output generation glitch. At least in my PDF reader.
Just two pins to that poor transformer? I'm
very interested in how you intend to get up to 180A through that poor thing without it fusing open... On the upside, leakage doesn't matter much, in the H-bridge configuration.
Supply, you probably want some electrolytics in there for damping, and/or TVS for transient limiting. I'm guessing load dump isn't part of the requirement (but beware if that battery is charged by an alternator) but there's still inrush. At least, I'm assuming since no precharge circuit is shown.
U11 should have a bias resistor in parallel with the diode, to supply D5+U14 leakage/bias currents.
C12 got turnt.
Why 1200V diodes for a 230V output? Is there a ton of transient voltage there? Why not FWB rectifier? Would snubbers help?