Thought I'd post a description and pic of the test jig I'm going to use for testing the LCD samples. First, I'm just going to set up a simple square wave and test one segment, see what the threshold is, that sort of thing. Then I'm going to use this jig, which has 144 pogo pins on it. The pogo pins are 0.65mm in diameter, and the tips are rounded. I did check to see if the tips would scratch the LCD pads on my dead LCD, and they didn't seem to do any damage! Finally, I'll test one of the LCDs in a real TRS-80 PC-1.
Why pogo pins and not an elastomeric strip? Well, I don't have any extra elastomeric strips, and I don't find them easy to use. They're a bit fiddly.
So I 3D printed this holder for the pogo pins, and I have two circuit boards. One is a more general driver, and the other is the adapter for the specific LCD.

The general driver uses a single
PCF8545B LCD driver from NXP. This driver is "universal", being capable of up to 8 commons and up to 40 rows (i.e. 320 segments), with driving voltages from 1.8 to 5.5v, biasing of 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4, multiplexing of 1:4, 1:6, or 1:8, and a range of scan frequencies from 60-300Hz, AND two types of output waveforms.
Sounds awesome, right? Well, sadly, unlike a lot of their other chips, this one is not cascadable, meaning you can't add rows. If you wanted to add rows, you'd have to make sure the chips are synced in their commons, and that's what cascadable chips can do. Not this one, so you can't just use four of them, their commons wouldn't sync. Sadly, NXP does not make a chip with 8 commons that is cascadable. If you happen to know of one, let me know!
So instead, I'm resigned to testing only one portion of the LCD at a time. My LCD has 4 "sections": 3 sections of 40 rows for the character display, and 1 section of 9 rows for the indicators. I connect a
FSAL200 quad analog multiplexer to each row, and I set up the test jig to have 4 sections of 40 rows. That's 160 rows, but 40 quad multiplexers. The multiplexers switch either the signal from the LCD driver, or 1/2 the LCD voltage, which is the "off" state of a segment. In this way, I can switch the LCD driver to drive any one of the 4 sections of 40 rows.
The whole thing is controlled with, of course, an Arduino (Pro Mini, 5V). There are four buttons, a bunch of LEDs, and a 4-digit 7-segment display. With that, I can program the LCD driver to the right bias, LCD voltage, multiplexing, waveform, and frequency, and then step through the sections to test. I decided to use a DAC instead of a low-pass filter on the Arduino's PWM output because I wanted a more stable voltage.
Anyway, the factory says they'll have the samples ready by the end of the month, and theoretically it will take 1-2 weeks after that to get here.
In other news, I attempted to set up a CrowdSupply crowd-sourcing campaign. You have to fill out a form with all the details of your project, how much you want to crowdfund, what you're going to spend it on, and so on. I think it's a higher bar than Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Reasonable fees, too, and they handle fulfilment. However, that was two weeks ago, and they claim to get back to you in a week. So... I don't know how that's going to turn out. I do want to set up a crowdfunder for this.