So, I could replace one LCD to one my devices, with success, wonderful. I left a positive review on robertbaruch's Tindie page, he so much deserved it for his work!
When finalizing a second device LCD replacement, still with success (LCD working with full contrast), I had an issue in the final step when you want to remove the wiper on the contrast pot to get the right contrast, because the pot just broke apart (white plastic part to old?)
Reading back this thread, robertbaruch wrote back on April 9th: "
A qualified success! Qualified because (a) I still need to reproducibly replace an LCD without several tries, and (b) you have to replace the contrast adjustment with a 240k resistor."
So, would it be enough to unsolder the plot, replace it with a 240 KOhm resistor?
What resistor would you recommend? Would this one (
https://www.conrad.com/p/metal-film-resistor-240-k-axial-lead-0207-06-w-1-1-pcs-421022 ) work for instance?
If you had any picture of the final result, this would help me, thanks.
Thank you for your help,