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LED output vs. Incad.

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Does this pass the sanity test?

I have several outdoor light fixtures that all use 12 watt incandescent bulbs. The bulbs cost about between $2 and $3, and all have to be replaced a couple times a year. Obviously using LEDs would be smarter both in terms of cost and energy waste.

I looked up the bulb on the Philips website and found that it puts out about 120 lumens.
I found a website that states that Mcd = Lumens * 79.5544
Thus, 9546 Mcd of LED should equal the output of the original incad. lamp ... right?

I have a bunch of 1500 Mcd LED here so this weekend I'm going to wire up a bunch and see what it looks like, but thought I'd run it past you guys for insight before soldering it all together.

well leds are more efficient so if your using near the same wattage or no less than 1/3 I think your safe to say that your not making a loss on light

There is a small difference in light output.
The incandescent lamp will send light of the whole visible spectrum (and lot of IR).
The LED's, assuming their white, will have a combination of RGB or a blue led with a fluorescent layer making it look white-ish.
Leds are also much more focused.  So the total light spread/flood will not be as the light bulb.
Cooling of the LED is very important for longevity of the LED. Also remember that the sensitivity of the eye is logarithmic.

Best thing, i think, is do some experiments. Make some notes and maybe a picture and place it on the web.
I am interested


--- Quote from: JohnS_AZ on October 28, 2010, 04:56:44 pm ---Thus, 9546 Mcd of LED should equal the output of the original incad. lamp ... right?
I have a bunch of 1500 Mcd LED

--- End quote ---
9546/1500 = 6.362 LEDs right? ;D

--- Quote from: qno on October 28, 2010, 07:08:06 pm ---There is a small difference in light output.
Leds are also much more focused.  So the total light spread/flood will not be as the light bulb.
Cooling of the LED is very important for longevity of the LED. Also remember that the sensitivity of the eye is logarithmic.
Best thing, i think, is do some experiments. Make some notes and maybe a picture and place it on the web.
I am interested

--- End quote ---
use ventilated diffuser. agree on experiment, me interested too.

I shouldn't have to worry about heat for this. The 1500 Mcd LEDs I have are plain T 1 1/2, water clear body, amber output.


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