The ventilation for even 1 amp is overkill,I did more with 1 40x40 quiet one.with those and 2-3 power transistors you can go to 10 amps.I end up putting an termistor on the heatsink with pwm control at 3 different temps(I have atmega328 board monitoring U-I with ina sensor showed on oled white,looks fine).And the atmega can easily monitor between U and I the temp and put some pwn on the ventilation, cost bucks and works fine, coding is simple.
I take it that by ventilation, you mean fan cooling. I don't like the term overkill- it is a sweeping statement that can be used to criticize pretty much anything. After all, your house, car, PC are all overkill.
Although I tend to agree with you that fan cooling is probably is not necessary, you cannot say for sure without doing a thermal budget and to do that you would need to know the thermal resistance of the heatsink being used. Besides which, the OP already has the fans and heatsinks which were pulled from another unit.
The other point is that, not only will this PSU design and construction result in a usable PSU, but it will be a very good experience for the OP, who is just starting in his electronics career. It is probable that this PSU will be further developed, maybe to have more output voltage and current, at a later date, so a low thermal resistance heat sink would then be an advantage.
You mention about your own power supply- feel like posting a schematic? There is always great intrest in PSUs on EEV.
for me overkill means too much.
I attached my schematic, it's not the final version, I upgraded current sense.But the idea is, I put also temperature measurement and tested the thing at 3.000 Amps with variable load.
The temp stabilised to 44-48 deg C if I remember right.I sense with 10K NTC thermister and I was calibrated with Volcraft PL-125-T2USB.
I pwm to fan starting at 30 deg C (33%, then 66% at 40deg then 100% at 50degC).
If my 40*40 fan succeed to cool the 2xTIPL790A transistors delivering 3amps at 5V from 24 Vac transformer that means those 2x80*80 fans will be toooo much for what OP wants( he has 2 amps rated transformers).
Imho, he can think of more current with those fan/cooler combination and he MUST reduce fans speed, a variable lab supply MUST be quiet, it's not just fancy stuff, when you're focused doing electronics and coding some dsp last thing you need is a stupid vent crying.
Same cooling technique I did for other people in scopes for example (one of my bosses had enough of his oscillo and power supply doing noise when he was working on research stuff).
I take seriously the cooling, I'm not perfect at this but even implement a fan cooling controled by a thermistor and a fet who starts at a defined temperature for me is a must.
Attached I'll put schematics of one of my bench ps with power stage.just for example.I had a case and stuffed inside toroidal, power stage, simple opamp regulation (V/I control) and measurement with custom atmega 328 board, current module down to 0.1mA resolution is not in schematics, but it's in the picture
