(I'm unsure if this is the right sub forum, but I hope the mods can move the thread if not.)
The ZKE, ZKE-TECH or ZKETECH electronic loads are cheap and very useful battery chargers and testers. They can operate stand alone, but is more versatile when connected to a computer. The proprietary Windows software provided by ZKETECH is not too bad, but have some flaws and missing functions. The main one, of course, is that it's only for Windows.
I've used the A05 for many years and recently upgraded to a A10H in order to test some Lead acid batteries. One shortcoming is that the user doesn't have much control of the "rules" for end charge, such as a current cut off and some Lead acid batteries (especially if they have bad cells) never stops accepting charge and are just boiling away and the end-of-charge limits (that is preset to 50 or 60 mA by the device) is never reached.
I decided to write my own software, for Linux, and add some features I felt was missing.
This is my first release on github, and I don't have much experience with writing release notes and documentation for public projects, so be kind to me!

If you're just interested in running the thing, you need two files. The executable and its companion ".init" file, that is for auto-generating a .conf file for the users setting:
https://github.com/JOGAsoft/EBC-controller/releases/tag/v0.1 (Linux, 64-bits)
If you're interested in the source code, you can check it out here:
https://github.com/JOGAsoft/EBC-controllerThe project is sparsely commented and documented and probably have a shitload of bugs and inconveniences, but at least it's a start. The program probably works with other loads/battery testers from ZKETECH as well. If you're willing to test it on a new device, I'm happy to see what can be done to make it work.
Edit: It's written in Free Pascal/Lazarus and there is nothing preventing anyone to compile it for Windows or OSX. The only thing needed is to look at the serial connection routine and adjusting it to fit with the nomenclature of Windows (eg. "COM1" instead of "/dev/ttyS1", etc). It may work directly by just entering the device in the device connection edit.