I'm in a need of a variable PSU, after getting frustrated with an ATX PSU and a 3$ regulator thingamajig from china.
Don't really have money to buy one, but I happen to have availability to a ton of free components and a PCB mill courtesy of my school.
The problem is that I don't have any experience designing circuits.
I have found these two schematics while researching this, but don't know if they are any good, or even if they provide what I need...
http://diyfan.blogspot.fi/2012/02/adjustable-lab-power-supply.htmlhttp://www.thebackshed.com/windmill/articles/VariablePowerSupply/TheBackShed723Reg.gifThe requirements would be 0V to 20V, around 3A and variable current control.
I like the simplicity of potentiometers, so analogue Coarse&Fine adjustment pots are good.
For displays, we have some basic voltage ones at school, but for current, I've been thinking about
this amazing thing:
So very precise current control would be pretty neat.
If possible, I would also like if the current limit could be seen and set beforehand, with a slightly more advanced way than "just short the leads."
Maybe a button that shorts the output for you, high tech!
Those Constant Voltage and Constant Current LEDs could also be nice, but not really required.
As playing with mains AC doesn't sound very appealing, I would power it with a 24V "90W" laptop power brick.
If the brick is what it says, would the 4V and 0.75A be enough for the supply ?
Does anyone here happen to have made one like this, or know a good schematic for one ?