I have been working on a low noise preamplifier that is suitable for characterizing very low level signals riding on a significant DC bias voltage. I am planning on putting the KiCAD project files up on Github, and I'll post a link to the repo when I do. I have primarily used it for characterizing noise of voltage references, but it should be applicable to various other low-level AC amplification tasks. The input stage uses a 23uF/100M HP filter (Fc = 69 uHz) and a composite amplifier made from 16 paralleled JFE2140s and an OPA140 operating at a fixed gain of 501. The tail current of each JFET pair is 800 uA, and the differential amplifier input stage uses a cascode + inverted cascode topology. Active biasing of the inverted cascode ensures that the OPA140 inputs stay close to ground. This input stage gives a wideband noise density of about 0.62 nV/rtHz with a 1/f corner of a few Hz. Noise from 0.1-10Hz is 2.78 nVRMS (16.7 nV p-p), and noise from 0.01-10 Hz is 3.18 nVRMS (19.1 nV p-p).
The unit is powered by 4x21700 Li-ion cells on a separate board with a BMS for balanced charging, etc., as well as an integrated charger based on the BQ24618 to give a full charge in about 2.5 h. The current draw with shorted inputs is ~30mA, so battery life is >100h. The enclosure is a Hammond 1457N1601 (~160x100x50 mm) with PCBs for the front and rear panels (the battery charger is on the inside of the rear panel).
A few other points about the design:
-The basic signal train is: Input HP filter -> A1, G=501 -> HP filter -> Gain stage (G=20/200) -> HP filter -> Buffer -> LP Filters -> SW -> Output
-Input capacitance is about 100 pF (though see point below), which is primarily from the PCB itself. This will be reduced in a future revision.
-A series 330R + 470pF from input to ground was required to damp out oscillations with certain op-amp buffered inputs. This will be connected via relay in a future revision, but increasing the impedance of the feedback network for the input stage should help as well.
-There are three bandwidth options for LP filtering - wideband goes to about 2.5 MHz (-3dB), and there are two fourth-order Butterworth filters in Sallen-Key topology for low pass filtering to 10 kHz and 10 Hz.
-There are two HP filter cutoff points, 0.01 and 0.1 Hz, as well as a "settle" mode which shorts the output of both HP filters to GND with MMBF4117 JFETs.
-Gain is switchable (60, 80, and 100 dB). The 100 dB gain setting has limited utility because signals and amplified at full bandwidth prior to the LP filters, so it saturates easily. I will add some pre-filtering in a future revision to improve dynamic range for such cases. The 60dB gain setting uses a 9k/1k divider prior to the first (non-input) HP filter.
-There are window comparators to detect saturation before both HP filters. These trigger 555 timers that drive warning LEDs on the front panel.
-The capacitors for the input HP filter are a pair of Kemet C4AQLLW5120A34K polypropylene capacitors. These had the best leakage and DA of the suitably low-profile capacitors I tested, and I don't believe selection will be required for bias voltages of 25V or less, but they are definitely not specified for the >2TOhm parallel resistance I observed in the samples I tested.
I have attached some photos of the project and a pdf of the schematic for the amplifier board.
Edit: Here's the link to the github repo: