Ooh, what do we have here?

My arduino ethernet with the protoboard milled out for the connector!

The internet controlled cat food dispenser is slowly coming along!

Got the arduino sketch ready, the two yellow led's indicate when the opto's are on, to simulate button press on the SET and VOL buttons on the dispenser. The red and green show if it is blocking for input. Right now it is set to around 5 seconds but it will be set higher when I get the dispenser timed. The block function will be so it is not possible to command it to run while it is already running.
If it is told to run it will return
If not blocking: GO|{0-100}
If blocking: NO|{0-100}|{sec}
{0-100} = food level in percentage
{sec} = seconds left until it is possible to start the dispenser again
More functions might get added later... Maybe so it is possible to turn some led's or something on... Don't know yet...