I decided to share my Solar BMS case design made exclusively from PCB's only.
Most are FR4 except for the PCB at the bottom that is a metal core PCB.
People mostly use metal core PCB's for power LED's but this are really great for high power electronics no idea why not more people use them.
Anyway the case is made on that 2.5mm Aluminium metal core PCB for the power components then there are two spacers or 1.6mm FR4 followed by the main board with all the smaller parts then another two FR4 1.6mm spacers and on top the front PCB with the capacitive buttons and cut out for the LCD.
This is really great since it can be mounted on a larger heatsink able to take that 20W max TDP if the Solar BMS (Battery Management System) is used at full load.
My new design will use a very similar construction but a bit more complex with about double the number of parts for the case.
Here are some photos that should make things more clear.