Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff
Making A Cylon Eye
I'm trying to make 8 leds run like a cylon eye. Because the leds cover two different port ranges, I decided to try and make a little bitfield which I could then set the ports with. It failed horribly.
The idea is to have 8 unsigned integers, one representing each light. Then just use some bitwise shifts to move the light around.
--- Code: ---void Cylon(void)
unsigned int counter=0;
unsigned long i=0;
struct light
unsigned int light0:1;
unsigned int light1:1;
unsigned int light2:1;
unsigned int light3:1;
unsigned int light4:1;
unsigned int light5:1;
unsigned int light6:1;
unsigned int light7:1;
union light_union
struct light x;
} Lights;
--- End code ---
Actually trying to set the bits is being problematic, I get this error message:
--- Code: ---illegal conversion between types unsigned int -> struct light
--- End code ---
I'm not sure what to do here.
You are close, but not quite right! (as you've probably figured!)
You need to add an int to your union, and keep your struct as you have already.
--- Code: ---union light_union {
int x;
struct light bits;
} Lights;
--- End code ---
You can then access x as you desire, and the magic of the union will set the bits broadside as you desire, likewise read them back.
If you want change a bit, use
--- Code: ---Lights.bits.light0 = 1; (or 0)
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: RayJones on February 20, 2011, 06:29:07 am ---You are close, but not quite right! (as you've probably figured!)
You need to add an int to your union, and keep your struct as you have already.
--- Code: ---union light_union {
int x;
struct light bits;
} Lights;
--- End code ---
You can then access x as you desire, and the magic of the union will set the bits broadside as you desire, likewise read them back.
If you want change a bit, use
--- Code: ---Lights.bits.light0 = 1; (or 0)
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
I see. Could you please explain to me why this is necessary?
BTW, I've been coding for far too long, and still the union caught me with my pants down the other day.
I knew what I wanted to achieve, but still made minced meat of it. :'(
The secret is each line in the union specifies a element, the largest element determines the end size of the union (space used in memory).
Other elements will occupy the same memory space, but be interpreted according to their type, ie a bit field in your application.
Other tricks could be
--- Code: ---union {
int AsInt;
float AsFloat;
--- End code ---
This allows you to write a float value, then grab the byte form equivalent for transfer/storage.
When digging down to byte level though you need to be careful of the endian order of your processor as to where the LSB lives in memory for a 16 or 32 bit value.
My personal fave is
--- Code: ---union {
int Word;
struct {
char LSB;
char MSB;
} bytes;
--- End code ---
This is used to rip a 16 bit value into the HIWORD/LOWORD far more efficiently than the typical mask and shift operations used.
Once again, take care with the endianess of your processor.
I should also add, using int is processor specific as to how many bits it is.
The native register size of the processor is usually adopted.
ie for a 16 bit processor, ints will be 16 bits, likewise 32 bits for a 32 bit processor.
to control the sizes better, you should use shorts or longs (16 or 32)
char is invariably 8 bits, but not always!
Having said this, you should realise my examples above are flawed, instead of int I should use long in the float example, and short in the HIWORD/LOWORD example.
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