Looking for factory matched BJT transistors, but I wouldn't mind finding some matched JFET or MOSFET either. They are for experimenting with long tails, current mirrors and alike. This is hobby level, so I don't want to break the bank buying $30/1pair of famous NOS part numbers.
I've looked at mouser, and for 'transistors array' it returns all kind of darlington and drivers and H bridges. When searching for 'matched transistors' there are only 3 part numbers, decent price (less than $0.5-$1/pcs), but they are all pnp pairs.
There are some ROHM pairs from their THAT300 series, advertised in a mouser "what's new" page, but they do not appear as products for sale, only advertised and no link to buy.
The matched transistors are for casual learning and experimenting with discrete analog IC-like structures. Required specs are as good as possible, but at very low cost, less than $1/pair.
- What paired transistors part numbers to look for, and what search term to use?
- Will factory matched be better matched than hand-matching from a casual bag of 20..50 THT discrete transistors of the same type?