I've read that page a few times, now, but it's just words and assertions. There is nothing to substantiate your claims about your 2021 epiphany, no technical discussion about your AI software, and in particular nothing about how you can encode moral values in software.
To wit ...
I guess I have too much free time on my hands since I finished all my home improvement projects, so I wanted to try and find something in any of the artbyrobot videos, which go back 10 years (that's what YT says on the last video in the list of videos). What I wanted to find was a single simple test for learning purposes of a motor or servo that pulled a string (or in some other manner) and moved any part of a robot - the tip of a finger would have sufficed OR any test weight. I wasted a lot of time because of all the time-wasting video filler in many of the videos. Really, there are videos of 1, 2, and up to 8 hours long! Who is going to watch videos that long some of which are mostly a person staring at their computer doing nothing at all interesting for the audience?
I didn't see any videos titled in any meaningful way that indicated a learning session or testing of a motor pulling, pushing, or moving any functional part of a robot or test item. So I skimmed many of the videos that seemed like they might contain this sort of test. I found not a single functional test of a motor moving any part of a robot. I did find one of a test of a motor, but that is a very simple thing that any high school student doing electronics can do. This channel doesn't show any tests of a motor pulling a string around a pulley or pulleys even for a non-robotics test of a weight or other simple task. Is it buried in one of the eight hour sagas?
In a previous post artbyrobot said the first ten years was "just learning". So in ten years, we see nothing that indicates artbyrobot learned by experimentation or tested out of curiosity even the simplest combined test of the basic movement system proposed - motor - pulley - string - weight? Not even on a test bench? Nothing? I'm not sure what to make of that.
I know what to make of that, but I will keep it to myself... Hearing multiple extreme claims, extreme confidence and endless hype from OP, I too went to watch some of his videos, I was honestly curious. But what I've found, made me sad.
Anyway, I would guess most of us been guilty of being naive one time or another. During my teenage years I was fascinated by many ideas which were either not for my skill level, not for my pocked, or both. Fascination with an idea inhibits negative feedback. It's quite easy to become blind, just like falling in love with a wrong person. Sooner or later reality knocks on a door. How soon you hear a knock is part of experience and wisdom. Yet there is one more category of people - those who are deaf to all the knocks. Reasons vary.
This project is not completely unimaginable, but the approach, OP takes, certainly is. It's like going to climb Mount Everest with flip-flops. By the way, I'm sure you can find someone in world who really thinks it would work. Though majority would either laugh or call you an idiot. So what you do? Two options. You either get insulted by criticism, treat everyone like they are all against you, fight everyone back and insist on your flip-flop mountaineering, or... You eat you pride, go home and come back with normal f*cking boots. And all the other proper equipment.
Even if being overly blunt, most (all?) people here actually wishes OP good and are willing to help. But it feels that the wake-up call never get routed to the destination. NACK. NACK. NACK. FIN.
The reality is that current mechanical, electronics and software approaches not going to cut it. Not realizing that, is the achilles' heel. Yet it's without a doubt entirely possible to come back better equipped and give a better shot at it. In fact, decision to come to EEVblog forum might potentially be very fortunate. Yes, occasionally you might get bluntly confronted here, it's not a doll forum after all, but at the same time there is no other place in the internet where you can find so many tech-gifted individuals who are also laid back and willing to share insights. But frankly, I don't have very big hopes, cause, as I said, I know what to make of that.
Oh, and by the way, electrocactive polymer is really cool stuff. Looks like promising tech.